Well, We finally had a family picture done. This was at Halloween at my grandmas house so nothing professional but it gets the job done right?? Coming up next another one probably in July!!! With all 5 of us! Crazy Jared and i will be out numbered!! But having so much fun!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
New addition
So As you all know now, I am about 15 weeks along, give or take a week. We will know fir sure my 20 week ultra sound. As of right now I am not planning on finding out what we are having, just letting it be a suprise!! This one has been rough just because i am so sick with it, but it will all be worth it when it's over!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
So our family these days is doing great! Jared and I have been married for over 4 years, we have Makayla who's 4, and Brady who is 8 months! Jared got a promotion and is now doing surveying through his construction company, and that includes a company truck and of coarse a gas card! WOOT! Makayla is excited about starting school next year! She talks about it all the time! She says she is going to be 5 and walk to school all by herself. ( um no way ) Brady is growing like a weed! Been crawling since 6 months, and since 2 weeks after that pulling himself to stand and climbing stairs! Then a few weeks ago he started walking across the furniture, and today took a step! Fell down after that step but still! He is only 8 months, I try and tell him he is too little, but he doesn't listen. As for me I am still working as a pharmacy tech, but have decided to apply for Weber state and go back to school! I donno what i wanna do, but at least i wanna start! No clue on how to start or what to do! But am excited still the same. We are also trying to up our family one more, so there might be news hopefully soon! That's all for now!
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